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4 Year old girl left hospitalised!

Black mould on a window frame.

Several newspapers reported this week about poor Zainab, a four year old girl hospitalised after living in mould-ridden squalor has escaped her damp and overcrowded London flat following an investigation by The Independent.

Zainab Hamid suffered terrible breathing problems as a result of the black mould covering the walls and ceilings of the one bedroom housing association flat she shared with her parents and three siblings.

Mould, if left unattended, can pose serious health risks, particularly to vulnerable individuals such as young children, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems. Investing in mould training for your staff and establishing robust procedures to address mould-related issues will not only prioritise the safety and well-being of your tenants but also enhance your reputation as a responsible and caring social landlord. For more info email

Dewpoint Professional Training Course.
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